Trump assassination attempt

Donald Trump GIF by GIPHY News
TBH I'm more comfy with her than him. He's got to go.
The WORLD knows the POTUS is passed out in Delaware with a cold, poor baby.

Good time for our enemies
Not good time for us

There is a reason that they keep her out of the spotlight.
I don't care about her being a woman, I I dom't care about her race, or none of the common arguements.
I do care that she lacks proffesionalism, speaks like she's talking to kindergarteners, and makes herself And This Country look foolish every time that she does.
Come on Uncle Joe, you can make it 3 and a half more months(I mean how much worse can he really get), and the Democrats can decide who they want to run in the meantime.
I still say Trump isn't a good choice for president but nor is the other guy...I guess it will come down to November and the chips will fall where they may.

It's dangerous when people follow the man and not the political platform they stand on.
I stay out of these discussions but, had to post one of my favorite memes about voting (I know is our responsibility as citizens to do so).


The best of the best? She looks overweight to me (body shaming alert Red) which is probably not an issue in an office environment but certainly not acceptable in a special agent that has to move fast, possibly over obstacles. But that aside, the video of her trying to holster her weapon is just laughable. It reminds of the scene in Shutter Island where the psychiatrist posing as a US Marshall fumbles to holster his. Why is this woman even on such a a critical detail? One of the others panicked! “what are we doing? Where are we going?”

Secret Service Director a few months ago: We’re focusing on hiring more women to be more diverse.


The men cover Trump, the woman cowers behind them. When Are people drop this pathetic Woke ideology and accept the truth. For some countries, Never.
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The best of the best? She looks overweight to me (body shaming alert Red) which is probably not an issue in an office environment but certainly not acceptable in a special agent that has to move fast, possibly over obstacles. But that aside, the video of her trying to holster her weapon is just laughable. It reminds of the scene in Shutter Island where the psychiatrist posing as a US Marshall fumbles to holster his. Why is this woman even on such a a critical detail? One of the others panicked! “what are we doing? Where are we going?”

Secret Service Director a few months ago: We’re focusing on hiring more women to be more diverse.

Further. Trump is what 6'2"? When you see her in the moment, there is no way in hell she could shield him from a bullet. She couldn't even come close to being a human shield for him.

It's an embarrassment. And fuel for our enemies.
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The best of the best? She looks overweight to me (body shaming alert Red) which is probably not an issue in an office environment but certainly not acceptable in a special agent that has to move fast, possibly over obstacles. But that aside, the video of her trying to holster her weapon is just laughable. It reminds of the scene in Shutter Island where the psychiatrist posing as a US Marshall fumbles to holster his. Why is this woman even on such a a critical detail? One of the others panicked! “what are we doing? Where are we going?”

Secret Service Director a few months ago: We’re focusing on hiring more women to be more diverse.

Like I posted earlier have been this agent's first assignment or just back from maternity leave......or something of the like......

Perhaps because of Trumps popularity and lack of any previous issues, her agency most likely thought this would be a good easy assignment to ease her back....when the shooting broke out, she could have been scared to death and judging by her reaction, I believe I'm correct.

There are a lot of assumptions made by myself but I look at the big picture sometimes.
Like I posted earlier have been this agent's first assignment or just back from maternity leave......or something of the like......

Perhaps because of Trumps popularity and lack of any previous issues, her agency most likely thought this would be a good easy assignment to ease her back..
She should have eased back on the practice range first! To say that the current US Government and it's agencies were complicit in this assassination attempt is not a radical conspiracy theory. They set him up the dogs.
She should have eased back on the practice range first! To say that the current US Government and it's agencies were complicit in this assassination attempt is not a radical conspiracy theory. They set him up the dogs.
She could be a huge Trump fan and bugged to get on this assignment...who really knows....

Only the loony fringe elements would believe that the secret service and the US government would set Trump up to be assassinated....that's beyond crazy......

Any of these nuts who get on You Tube and other social media platforms and suggest such stupidity are the real enemy of the American people, these people do more harm than anyone realizes....
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The best of the best? She looks overweight to me (body shaming alert Red) which is probably not an issue in an office environment but certainly not acceptable in a special agent that has to move fast, possibly over obstacles. But that aside, the video of her trying to holster her weapon is just laughable. It reminds of the scene in Shutter Island where the psychiatrist posing as a US Marshall fumbles to holster his. Why is this woman even on such a a critical detail? One of the others panicked! “what are we doing? Where are we going?”

Secret Service Director a few months ago: We’re focusing on hiring more women to be more diverse.

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The men cover Trump, the woman cowers behind them. When Are people drop this pathetic Woke ideology and accept the truth. For some countries, Never.

Read post#151
I'm actually shocked Trump hasn't started selling signed "Patriot Ear Bandages" I'm sure there is a market of idiots that would buy them before they paid their rent.
Hunter sells paintings, even if he is wealthy enough and don’t have to. His wealth off dad’s political career has run out of things to do though.

Trump and his family achieved their wealth long before politics, then they lost a big portion of that wealth, through politics. Their businesses are still alive though, they don’t have time to waste on “Patriot Ear Bandages”.

I always evaluate a family on how the kids turned out, BTW. Big difference between Trump and Biden.
Their businesses are still alive though, they don’t have time to waste on “Patriot Ear Bandages”.
But they have time for gold sneakers and signed bibles??? Even if the bibles were autopen'd, that doesn't even pass the smell test as they say, seems like "Patriot Ear Badges" would be making a killing....fight fight fight. It's perfect.
Anyone counting the lies from trump accepting the nomination? Just about everything he says.

Just for starters, ‘the immigration problem is causing hundreds of thousands of deaths every year’. ‘107%’ of the new jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants’.

Wutta guy…
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Anyone counting the lies from trump accepting the nomination? Just about everything he says.

Just for starters, ‘the immigration problem is causing hundreds of thousands of deaths every year’. ‘107%’ of the new jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants’.

Wutta guy…
107,543 deaths in 2023 if you wish to be precise.

Sure, not all of them are fentanyl over the open border, but as far as I care we can make the number over a million, to attract attention, so at least Biden will do something about the border.