Trump assassination attempt

They were just the first to count. Fox certainly isn’t counting, just like you, blind to the truth. I never called him Hitler. Hitler was effective not just a big bag of wind.
Some of us don’t pay too much attention to what Trump says, we rather look at his policies.

But if you wish, we can start pulling each of those 20 items apart, so you can see how screwed up the country really is right now.

Do you want to start with the first one?
Well, I respect Canadians, we are mutual allies. To that extent I do not disrespect their political conventions and their politicians like you do ours.

If I can’t in turn dissuade you from doing that, it’s too bad.

Thanks for the ring kissing explanation, as you have mentioned in a different post I have learnt that there is no respect for anything in your public schools. Not sure I believe it though, my business dealings in Canada introduced me to some very good respectful folks.
Feel free to do whatever you want in regards to Canada's political conventions......we are run by a buffoon and the sooner he gets elected out, the better.....

I take it you spent quite a bit of time here in Canada? Did you actually visit any public schools?

It's like when people tell me how Newfoundlanders are the salt of the earth and would give you the shirt off their backs.....any one looking in from the outside sees this but if you actually spend time on the ground living in a neighborhood, you see the real side of things....The side of things where you have to lock everything up or it will be gone, or if a vehicle with license plates from out of province gets it's windows smashed...things like that don't make it to the news or to the tourists....

Many times when I visit the US, I live in a home in a neighborhood with relatives and I see the actual real side of things like they see it...

Even here where I live in a seemingly quiet small city there is a lot of crime, sometimes shootings and definitely lots of thievery due to the high amount of drugs in the area......and most places are similar....probably similar to many places in the US where at one point you could leave your doors unlocked at night, now you need a cage on them...
Some of us don’t pay too much attention to what Trump says, we rather look at his policies.

But if you wish, we can start pulling each of those 20 items apart, so you can see how screwed up the country really is right now.

Do you want to start with the first one?

Trump has a hypersensitivity to accountability that often makes acknowledging the truth impossible for him.

When was the last time Trump took responsibility for anything that reflected poorly on him or his one term as president or his campaign?

He has a loyal base of supporters like you eager to believe anything he says while lashing out at fact-checkers for the (temerity) of telling the truth. Imagine the sense of power an egocentric politician experiences from that kind of obedience. You and others give him a pass on accountability. Why?

Trump understands the impact of flooding the field with falsehoods, a deluge of lies. so inescapable that his voters will accept as fact what they don't know to be a lie. Just like you.
BIDEN has a hypersensitivity to accountability that often makes acknowledging the truth impossible for him.

When was the last time BIDEN took responsibility for anything that reflected poorly on him or his one term as president or his campaign?

He has a loyal base of supporters like you eager to believe anything he says while lashing out at fact-checkers for the (temerity) of telling the truth. Imagine the sense of power an egocentric politician experiences from that kind of obedience. You and others give him a pass on accountability. Why?

BIDEN understands the impact of flooding the field with falsehoods, a deluge of lies. so inescapable that his voters will accept as fact what they don't know to be a lie. Just like you.
Fixed it for you. Works both ways. Now what?
Trump has a hypersensitivity to accountability that often makes acknowledging the truth impossible for him.

When was the last time Trump took responsibility for anything that reflected poorly on him or his one term as president or his campaign?

He has a loyal base of supporters like you eager to believe anything he says while lashing out at fact-checkers for the (temerity) of telling the truth. Imagine the sense of power an egocentric politician experiences from that kind of obedience. You and others give him a pass on accountability. Why?

Trump understands the impact of flooding the field with falsehoods, a deluge of lies. so inescapable that his voters will accept as fact what they don't know to be a lie. Just like you.
I don’t believe things exactly as he says it, or exaggerates it. However those who totally discounts what he says, because it is not entirely accurate are either not in touch with the current state of the nation, or they dislike him so much that they miss the relevance to real problems.

There are a whole lot of folks who would rather have someone other than Trump, including me. We are however out of options, the Democrats have no viable candidates.

Let’s start with CNN’s first count of the 20. Sure, Trump’s exact words can be discounted. But go do some research of how many Americans have OD’d from Fentanol, easier than ever before to cross the open borders. How many immigrants have died, by being lured here for profit? How many young children have been sex enslaved for profit by cartels? Go do your research.
I take it you spent quite a bit of time here in Canada? Did you actually visit any public schools?
Let me refresh your memory, we have discussed this many times.

Before retirement not too long ago, I was responsible for a factory in Toronto, approximately 750 employees, a Plant Manager running it. I travelled there often.

We had lots and lots of community projects, charity, soup kitchens etc.

During those events, some of the employees would have their entire family join in, and help. Met some of the finest families with the nicest respectful kids, working hard for no rewards. Good people. Toronto was one of my favorite factories.

Could it be that you just live in a bad neighborhood?
Nope, doesn’t work, doesn’t fit. Biden hasn’t lied his azz off since he was born, trump has.
The power of human denial on full display.
He's been a politician for FIFTY years
LYING the whole time. Other than when he said he didn't want his kids going to school with mixed races or that you're not black if you don't vote for him he's been lying.

Strange how you know Trump has been lying his whole life and still ignore the lies of the last ten years we've seen levied against him, most of which have been debunked.

But I guess it's good Joe never spoke to the crackhead about his business. lol
Let me refresh your memory, we have discussed this many times.

Before retirement not too long ago, I was responsible for a factory in Toronto, approximately 750 employees, a Plant Manager running it. I travelled there often.

We had lots and lots of community projects, charity, soup kitchens etc.

During those events, some of the employees would have their entire family join in, and help. Met some of the finest families with the nicest respectful kids, working hard for no rewards. Good people. Toronto was one of my favorite factories.

Could it be that you just live in a bad neighborhood?
Frequent visits are fine unless you live with the common folk in their home...then you know a probably stayed in a nice hotel and had a driver....then because you are the boss, you were treated to the best of the best the plant manager could muster up.....I'm sure the average worker wouldn't be showing up with their snot-nosed, mouthy kid for you to see.


There are some places that are like you describe, well mannered, friendly people and I've been to many other countries including the US that could be described as such.....I'm sure like anywhere there are lots of places you don't go.

While you were in Toronto you should have taken a stroll down to Regent Park one evening. Toronto is a huge city and I myself lived there 3 yrs while stationed in a command center.....I never had any issues while I was there but there were lots of best buddy is a Toronto Cop and has been for 35 yrs...if you want the skinny about Toronto and the youth in general, he is the guy to ask.

I am fortunate enough to live in a great neighborhood that as soon as a house goes up for sale, there's a bidding war to get into here....but that doesn't mean the youth aren't the same as everywhere else.

Although this has little to do with the political clime in the US, bear in mind whatever happens there affects us here in Canada.....
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Frequent visits are fine unless you live with the common folk in their home...then you know a probably stayed in a nice hotel and had a driver....then because you are the boss, you were treated to the best of the best the plant manager could muster up.....I'm sure the average worker wouldn't be showing up with their snot-nosed, mouthy kid for you to see.


There are some places that are like you describe, well mannered, friendly people and I've been to many other countries including the US that could be described as such.....I'm sure like anywhere there are lots of places you don't go.

While you were in Toronto you should have taken a stroll down to Regent Park one evening. Toronto is a huge city and I myself lived there 3 yrs while stationed in a command center.....I never had any issues while I was there but there were lots of best buddy is a Toronto Cop and has been for 35 yrs...if you want the skinny about Toronto and the youth in general, he is the guy to ask.

I am fortunate enough to live in a great neighborhood that as soon as a house goes up for sale, there's a bidding war to get into here....but that doesn't mean the youth aren't the same as everywhere else.

Although this has little to do with the political clime in the US, bear in mind whatever happens there affects us here in Canada.....
We sponsored lots of athletic events at schools which I wasn’t party to. We had an educational factory tour, organized monthly, where the students were given free samples of our products and they toured the plant and the process. For safety reasons those had strict rules needing discipline. I participated in a few of those and sometimes would be the tour leader. The program was booked out in advance more than a year. I never saw the things you are talking about though.

Getting back to the topic, you and the old guy can have fun disrespecting the Republican Party and their proceedings. I won’t reciprocate with Canadian disrespect, I have too many friends and old associates over there who are dear to me and don’t deserve that.
Getting back to the topic, you and the old guy can have fun disrespecting the Republican Party and their proceedings. I won’t reciprocate with Canadian disrespect, I have too many friends and old associates over there who are dear to me and don’t deserve that.
I appreciate that because I have been so horrible that I might not be able to sleep tonight....LOL!

If you got hold of those old associates and friends, I'll bet they can't wait to get rid of our idiot here as well....

Almost all of my relatives in the US are very worried about the next election, they definitely don't want Trump but they also don't want Biden so are at a real impasse and very worried.......the exception is my sister in Florida that would vote for anyone that will lower taxes and sort out all the gangs....
The power of human denial on full display.
He's been a politician for FIFTY years
LYING the whole time. Other than when he said he didn't want his kids going to school with mixed races or that you're not black if you don't vote for him he's been lying.

Strange how you know Trump has been lying his whole life and still ignore the lies of the last ten years we've seen levied against him, most of which have been debunked.

But I guess it's good Joe never spoke to the crackhead about his business. lol

…”Strange how you know Trump has been lying his whole life and still ignore the lies of the last ten years we've seen levied against him, most of which have been debunked.”

You must be living in bizarro world. Name a few lies that have been debunked as you say. While you’re ignoring that question, how about a few lies Biden has told?

Deny and deflect all you want. The truth is the truth. trump is a lying traitorous SOB that’s been fooling numb brained people like you for a very long time. I realize admitting that would make you out to be, well, a numb brained person but like every addiction, all it takes is the first step.
…”Strange how you know Trump has been lying his whole life and still ignore the lies of the last ten years we've seen levied against him, most of which have been debunked.”

You must be living in bizarro world. Name a few lies that have been debunked as you say. While you’re ignoring that question, how about a few lies Biden has told?

Deny and deflect all you want. The truth is the truth. trump is a lying traitorous SOB that’s been fooling numb brained people like you for a very long time. I realize admitting that would make you out to be, well, a numb brained person but like every addiction, all it takes is the first step.
They say, once we are gone, the only purpose of our life is what is left behind in memories and success. What we leave behind for our children and grandchildren.

Since you have expressed your utter dismay of Trump, how bad a person he is, would you say one day when it is your time and you are gone, you will be remembered as a saint in comparison, and your name will live on with much greater achievements than his? You sure consider yourself a much better person than him.

The way I look at it, he currently is the only viable option. He sure is not a saint, and he over sells himself extensively. He has however achieved more in life than I can even dream of. I respect that. He has a family he can be proud of.

The guy is the only Politician I know who achieved his wealth long before entering politics and who has sacrificed a big chunk of that wealth and now almost his life, towards serving his country. I respect that.

Biden and a big part of his family, especially Hunter achieved all their wealth through politics, and most of that, in Hunter’s case all of his wealth, came through politics. I do not respect that.

At the convention, Trump’s granddaughter joined him. Biden did not acknowledge his granddaughter for four years.
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I appreciate that because I have been so horrible that I might not be able to sleep tonight....LOL!

If you got hold of those old associates and friends, I'll bet they can't wait to get rid of our idiot here as well....

Almost all of my relatives in the US are very worried about the next election, they definitely don't want Trump but they also don't want Biden so are at a real impasse and very worried.......the exception is my sister in Florida that would vote for anyone that will lower taxes and sort out all the gangs....
Since you took the time to explain to me what “Kiss the ring” means, perhaps I can just add, that in a democratic country such as mine and yours, no one kisses the ring.

That answers the question you posed.
…”Strange how you know Trump has been lying his whole life and still ignore the lies of the last ten years we've seen levied against him, most of which have been debunked.”

You must be living in bizarro world. Name a few lies that have been debunked as you say. While you’re ignoring that question, how about a few lies Biden has told?

Deny and deflect all you want. The truth is the truth. trump is a lying traitorous SOB that’s been fooling numb brained people like you for a very long time. I realize admitting that would make you out to be, well, a numb brained person but like every addiction, all it takes is the first step.
Russia Russia Russia
Crossfire Hurricane and all related were concocted lies
To name a couple

I never discussed business with my son
Never got money from China
The laptop is fake!!!!!
I finished third in my class. (He was 74th)
My uncle was eaten by canibals (hahahahaha)
I beat Medicare.....rofl..had to throw that one in there.

Just the simple fact you ask again proves your in denial
Orange man bad
Saint Biden
It's ok I understand

Omg he asked me to name lies Biden told as if he's never done so......good grief.

The guy is the only Politician I know who achieved his wealth long before entering politics and who has sacrificed a big chunk of that wealth and now almost his life, towards serving his country. I respect that.
It’s no secret that Trump inherited wealth, squandered most of it before figuring how to do it. I’d lay money that if he were born to a middle class family he wouldn’t have gone far. Certainly not as far as he has. Wuzza speaks the truth; as far as lying Trump runs circles around Biden.
That said, they’re politicians what do we expect?
It’s no secret that Trump inherited wealth, squandered most of it before figuring how to do it. I’d lay money that if he were born to a middle class family he wouldn’t have gone far. Certainly not as far as he has. Wuzza speaks the truth; as far as lying Trump runs circles around Biden.
That said, they’re politicians what do we expect?
His net worth now, estimated by Forbes is 6.1Billion.

With all the hassles, impeachments, court cases, why on earth do you think he is running for President?

At this stage, I don’t think you can accuse Joe for lying. He simply is confused about being confused.