Trump assassination attempt

I'm inclined to agree, but the anti Trump crowd is formidable. we'll see.
This is all scripted... the ruling class is providing the entertainment unfolding in front of you.
Big Mike is coming... then Obama can run his 4th term even better than he ran his 3rd term under Biden.
The powers that be aren't done yet with trying to kill Trump. I want to be wrong about that and don't see how it would improve the Elites position at this point. The appointments Trump has been mentioning are all swamp creatures. Example, Jamie Dimon ( Chase ) will get a high level financial position like Secretary of the Treasury.... just like when Hank Paulson from Goldman Sachs did before the 2008 crash.
Big Mike is coming... then Obama can run his 4th term even better than he ran his 3rd term under Biden.
My conservative friend introduced me to this theory yesterday. She wasn't thrilled with me laughing. I really couldn't help it. The extent of the hatred and the scope of the stupidity it invokes is astounding. Truly.
Kimberly Cheatle’s testimony for the secret service protection at Trump’s assassination attempt was unbelievable.

Should be fired.

I believe Biden for the first time in his long career fired someone for poor performance. He ended up firing himself.
I believe Biden for the first time in his long career fired someone for poor performance. He ended up firing himself.
I wonder sometimes what being in my head will be like at 81.

Conservatives are going on about a poor job Biden's done. Yeah, the border is a mess. Considering what the world has gone through the last 4 years, I'd say the U.S. hung in there pretty well and is continuing to recover. I don't see blaming anybody including Biden.
I wonder sometimes what being in my head will be like at 81.

Conservatives are going on about a poor job Biden's done. Yeah, the border is a mess. Considering what the world has gone through the last 4 years, I'd say the U.S. hung in there pretty well and is continuing to recover. I don't see blaming anybody including Biden.
You are either a very forgiving person, or in denial.

I’m not sure Joe will finish his term, sadly he seems to be deteriorating fast.
You are either a very forgiving person, or in denial.

I’m not sure Joe will finish his term, sadly he seems to be deteriorating fast.
Denial of what? The economy and unemployment numbers are decent, stock markets seems maybe conservatives are in denial about the current situation; it can't be good if a Democrat is in office, right?. I don't think any of these things are because of Biden, but he didn't hurt things.
This intense need to politically posture is the greatest threat to our American society. Truth is, if covid didn't happen, things would have been fine at the end of Trump's term too. It's because it's the same populace; 4 years older but resilient as ever.
Denial of what? The economy and unemployment numbers are decent, stock markets seems maybe conservatives are in denial about the current situation; it
Either the economy or the markets are not understood.

Here is a hint, take your family for a nice dinner and compare costs between 2020 and now.

As mentioned a few times, my business inflation from 2020 to now is 120%

I gave one example for LPG is up 50% to 33% in less than a year, due to a direct Biden decision, and was mistaken for a clown. Around a $150Billion market per year. How many more examples do you want me to give you?

Yes unemployment looks great, I know folks who are working 3 jobs to pay mortgage and put food on the table.
Either the economy or the markets are not understood.

Here is a hint, take your family for a nice dinner and compare costs between 2020 and now.

As mentioned a few times, my business inflation from 2020 to now is 120%

I gave one example for LPG is up 50% to 33% in less than a year, due to a direct Biden decision, and was mistaken for a clown. Around a $150Billion market per year. How many more examples do you want me to give you?

Yes unemployment looks great, I know folks who are working 3 jobs to pay mortgage and put food on the table.
2020 and now. Think. What happened during that period? Pandemics are few and far between. Not easily forgotten.
LPG price went up worldwide. I'm sure you'll blame that on Biden too. Why not? This is politics and you're as entangled as anyone here.
AEI? Don’t Zerks, Blanca and yourself ever venture out of your conservative hidey ho?
Don't know about that, but I sure have to do a lot more to get business. Putting all the cabinetry in a new home 2,200 sq ft. at $11,000 when Biden came into office now amounts to $27,000.

Then there is Ukraine and Gaza which could have been avoided with good leadership.

I don't look so much at Trump, I just look at the individuals in each party and really shake my head when it comes to the Dem's.

I'm not sure if you are savvy enough to understand how screwed up this is?:

1.) Adding illegal immigrants prior to all Biden years and now, we are looking at approximately 20million. Half is historic, more than the other half in 3 years.

2.) As a business owner, if I employ someone without a social security number, without being able to file a W2, or a 1099, I am breaking the law, can be prosecuted for that. So when you add (1) and (2) together, what you get is gross incompetence.

3.) If I pay labor more than $600 in one year, I need to file one of the above. It gets even smarter for you smart guys right?

4.) If I pay and undocumented immigrant cash out of my pocket, that is considered personal income, my personal expenses, for which I have to calculate my taxes paid to the state and the IRS.

5.) So what we do, is we encourage them to get false documents, we turn a blind eye to the laws (Unless it is Trump) and we increase the medical costs for the entire nation, as they get medical care which they don't pay for free. We house them while we have homeless problems for our veterans and others. We encourage them to beg on street corners.

So, if you add the five items together from your competent government, either think someone is really stupid, or just don't care, because unless your name is Trump, you will probably get away with breaking all these laws. What has Kamala done in four years? Can you think of anything really important done by our border Schar, the person in charge of the border? I sure can't.
Don't know about that, but I sure have to do a lot more to get business. Putting all the cabinetry in a new home 2,200 sq ft. at $11,000 when Biden came into office now amounts to $27,000.

Then there is Ukraine and Gaza which could have been avoided with good leadership.
You sure Ukraine and Gaza would have been avoided? Did Trump tell you that?
You don’t know about your safe little conservative reading circle because it looks like you don’t venture outside of it very often. It looks to you like the whole world is in there.
Not 100% sure but very probably. Trump did not tell me that, common sense is a rare commodity, wish I had a whole lot less, as it makes it so difficult to deal with those who have none.
Not missing the implication. I have a lot of respect for you and if it's not reciprocated so be it. Not surprisingly I'm not in agreement. Putin would have still gone into the Ukraine and I seriously doubt Hamas cared about who was in the White House on Oct 7th.
What some of this country doesn't see is that a lot of the world thinks Trump is a blowhard clown. This circulated in Buenos Aires early during covid. The caption says 8 days since seeing a barber.

Think it is very likely the next president we are joking about.

Let’s get back to this later:

Someone has $100 on the table, he won’t be elected. I matched the $100 Biden is out, so I owe nothing.

Let’s see if the Joke is on Trump or not, he said he would end the war in Ukraine. Time will tell, I think that will be a tough nut to crack though. We can come back to this post, who knows when.

Personally, I believe the war in Ukraine can be ended, the right people, negotiation and some sacrifice. If not, it will continue forever, with a huge drain on the taxes we pay. The Democratic policy is no contact with Putin, that is just wrong, let’s just fund the war for the next century. Buy some Raytheon stock, before it is overbought by the Dems, adding billions to Raytheon’s revenue, among others. Meantime the debt clock is ticking totally out of control.

Nervous about Taiwan, now is a perfect time, to get in fast and get it over with for China.

I thought you guys would know this by now, it is not Hamas, it is Iran, on their knees in 2020. Hamas, the pawn in the game.
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