Trump assassination attempt

It's mind numbing to think that people aren't presenting their id at election stations like we do here in Canada...we have no mail in voting, we have to go to election stations and be checked off once we identify ourselves.

We get a slip in the mail that tells us where to go to vote...

The idea of one party blocking this process makes little sense to me
You keep blaming Trump for the insurrection, January 6th. He still believes to this day the election was rigged, it’s a lie, but it is what he believes.

Yes, he screwed up, but an insurrection was not his intention. Listen to his speech below. He was encouraging a peaceful protest. Too many folks are drinking the Democratic cool-aid.

TDS and cognitive dissonanace go hand in hand. Thank the MSM for brainwashing the masses with their endless smear campaign of hate generated from the leftist think tanks where it is born.

While America remains divided the Communist Party keeps plotting ways to take us down by killing our grid, corrupting computer system for black mail purposes and other diabolical ways to destroy us. Black Cat and Spider have joined forces... bad people.

If Tump loses the next election all the Trump haters can rejoice... we will end up with another puppet that doesn't understand what this country needs to do to protect itself. No matter which president is elected the work required to turn this country around will be monumental.

I guess the leftist supporters that are anti Trump think the words "March Peacefully and Patriotically" means go to the Capitol and wreck it and attack the Capitol Police. That is just one more example of TDS that has infected the nation.

The left will never admit they played a vital part in the gas lighting of America they spew.... when they go high, we go low...

Eric Holders words, not mine.
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Not important, but just saying:

That was in answer to being questioned about it. Trump has never needed questioned about it. He goes on and on about “the steal” every time he speaks.
It doesn’t consume her intellect like it has his.
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That was in answer to being questioned about it. Trump has never needed questioned about it. He goes on and on about “the steal” every time he speaks.
It doesn’t consume her intellect like it has his.
You are telling us that after repeated pleas from the embassy in Benghazi that Hillary ignored that led to four American government men die at the hands of militants ... and then goes onto to say in front of Congress.... what difference does it make?.... that this makes here a good judge of character? That is about as rich as it gets my Yahoo friend.

The Russians would have been fine with Hillary at the controls... after all she was one of the 9 people that signed off on Russia getting something like 20% of the uranium needed to build nuclear bombs that was originally destined to be going to the USA back when she was the Secretary of State. Anything else you need to know about Hillary?
That was in answer to being questioned about it. Trump has never needed questioned about it. He goes on and on about “the steal” every time he speaks.
It doesn’t consume her intellect like it has his.
See post 321 first paragraph. It is what it is.
You keep blaming Trump for the insurrection, January 6th. He still believes to this day the election was rigged, it’s a lie, but it is what he believes.

Yes, he screwed up, but an insurrection was not his intention. Listen to his speech below. He was encouraging a peaceful protest. Too many folks are drinking the Democratic cool-aid.

Of course I blame Trump....who else whipped his followers up to a frazzle and then unleashed them?

I watched all the videos and heard all the speeches.....I could play the post the video game but we have already gone through this on other threads countless times....

The fact that he was behind the helm of the insurrection isn't in dispute....the fact he told them to fight isn't in's on video....the fact that he waited hours before asking them to stand down then thanked them saying at least they tried and professed his love for them.....

And this is who people want as a president? Scary......
See post 321 first paragraph. It is what it is.
Believing doesn’t justify it

You are telling us that after repeated pleas from the embassy in Benghazi that Hillary ignored that led to four American government men die at the hands of militants ... and then goes onto to say in front of Congress.... what difference does it make?.... that this makes here a good judge of character? That is about as rich as it gets my Yahoo friend.
That has zero to do with questioning the validity of elections. Nice try at deflection though.
Of course I blame Trump....who else whipped his followers up to a frazzle and then unleashed them?

I watched all the videos and heard all the speeches.....I could play the post the video game but we have already gone through this on other threads countless times....

The fact that he was behind the helm of the insurrection isn't in dispute....the fact he told them to fight isn't in's on video....the fact that he waited hours before asking them to stand down then thanked them saying at least they tried and professed his love for them.....

And this is who people want as a president? Scary......
My comparison is more like this:

I’m the group leader for twenty Busas, before the ride I give a speech and say let’s ride safely, within the posted limits. Ride starts and ten riders decide to do 160mph, they get caught and it is my fault.

Sure, I should have known better.

Post some video proof, where he actually said hang Pence, break into the buildings and cause an insurrection, then I will change my opinion.
My comparison is more like this:

I’m the group leader for twenty Busas, before the ride I give a speech and say let’s ride safely, within the posted limits. Ride starts and ten riders decide to do 160mph, they get caught and it is my fault.

Sure, I should have known better.

Post some video proof, where he actually said hang Pence, break into the buildings and cause an insurrection, then I will change my opinion.
We've already been through all this before and frankly, all those videos have been posted...

Just because your memory is so far gone that you can't remember them all......I'm not resurrecting them to humor you.
We've already been through all this before and frankly, all those videos have been posted...

Just because your memory is so far gone that you can't remember them all......I'm not resurrecting them to humor you.
Who is we?


Maybe the memory problem rather belongs with you?
We as in EVERYONE, sheesh! He just said and you quoted him saying he’s not going to resurrect them to humor you.

I don’t believe you have a memory problem but you do have a selective memory, one that remembers only what suits your agenda.

BTW what do you think trump was thinking as he watched the insurrection attempt for over three hours? He was in charge right? I mean he was the president right? He could’ve stopped it right? But he didn’t. He did nothing.
BTW what do you think trump was thinking as he watched the insurrection attempt for over three hours? He was in charge right? I mean he was the president right? He could’ve stopped it right? But he didn’t. He did nothing.
I agree with everything in your above paragraph. It sure was a sad situation. I’m questioning though if his narrative towards the whole event can be considered as criminal liability, as per my motorcycle group leader cited above.

We as in EVERYONE, sheesh! He just said and you quoted him saying he’s not going to resurrect them to humor you.

I don’t believe you have a memory problem but you do have a selective memory, one that remembers only what suits your agenda.
Just trying to figure out if I was part of your EVERYONE, to figure whether it is me or Bee who has memory issues.

Just so you know who I am, and many hate me for it, but I am who I am.

I do not support protests and trade unions, in any form whatsoever. People who voluntarily participate in those lose my respect.

As far as Kamala and Trump is concerned, those are unfortunately the only two choices we have at this time.
There's several threads on the subject and "we" were half the posters in this forum....including yourself....
I'll let you know if you or me have the memory problem, will do a search.

As far as half the posters in this forum, I already know you are not very smart. If we look at the member count and those who participate in the political posts, it is less than a tiny fraction.
I'll let you know if you or me have the memory problem, will do a search.

As far as half the posters in this forum, I already know you are not very smart. If we look at the member count and those who participate in the political posts, it is less than a tiny fraction.
I stand I was thinking of more like half of the regular posters we normally see these days...

As for not being smart...I can hold my own.....

Go do your search and have fun.....