Trump assassination attempt

You are in love with CNN right.

CNN = Communist News Network.

I’ll make it short, let’s just take their first fact check which is inflation. It depends how one measures it. In my business, 2020 to today inflation runs around 120%. I detailed the numbers with factual data in a previous post.

Jake Tapper, calls Trump Hitler and will twist every thing he can for the uninformed.

Want to know why CNN ratings are way down these days?
Hi. I have 1 question. Do you think a New York diatrict attorney will indict Trump for avoiding an assassintion attempt? And will they have to backtrack the date of this new crime?
Active thread so it's as good a place as any
I know this is yall, especially OBG! I know for sure that guy screamed at people for going the wrong way down the aisle in the grocery store.


Did I never notice or is this yall thing new to you? It seemed to start after the assassination attempt. It's like you lost a little bit of your mind that evening, or maybe a little of the real you woke up. I'm going riding.
The Tennessee hick in me is trying to come back.
My Cuban wife buried it years ago entiendo?
Entiendo is first person singular, as in whether you understand. If you're asking me, it would be entiendes?

So did the assassination attempt have anything to do with the Tennessee hick in you waking up?
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Entiendo is first person singular, as in whether you understand. If you're asking me, it would be entiendes?

So did the assassination attempt have anything to do with the Tennessee hick in you waking up?
No, I'm just rediscovering my yoot..
You understood my Spanglish either way right?

Here's some food for thought.
I find it interesting that the party of democracy and the one who says Trump is a threat to democracy is right now trying to launch a Coup against their elected leader and ignore the votes of all their delegates.

You can't write this any better...
Here's some food for thought.
I find it interesting that the party of democracy and the one who says Trump is a threat to democracy is right now trying to launch a Coup against their elected leader and ignore the votes of all their delegates.
Acknowledging that Biden's power of cognition has weakened to the tremendous extent that is has, and very suddenly I might add, is launching a coup? Haha only when you're talking about the hated party. If it was conservatives you would say they are "concerned about the welfare of the country" or some shidt.
We're all artists. We paint things to pretty them up.
Nothing to see here... move along... Biden and the alphabet agencies would never do anything like this and then cover it up.
Sarcasm intended... since we know the truth will remain buried as long as it can possibly be.


Officials Admit the Biden Administration Denied Security Requests by Agents Assigned to Protect Donald Trump

July 20, 2024 | Sundance | 514 Comments

The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned. Why have there been no daily press briefings?​

♦ Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?

♦ Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?

♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?


The absence of official press briefings has been the dog that didn’t bark.

Instead, the Secret Service, FBI and Law Enforcement have been selectively leaking details, testing what would be and would not be accepted, and we have only seen controlled snippets of information.

Much of the information within those leaks has been lies, sometimes absurd in their construct, pushed through a generally incurious media.

Smart people have noted the absence of the official public information process indicates something very sketchy in the background. [ie. the dog that didn’t bark]

The attempted assassination of President Trump is a big deal; perhaps one of the biggest events in recent history. There is massive public interest.

If ordinary procedures and protocols were being followed, we would have official daily updates at scheduled press conferences, and the media would be able to present questions based on presented information. The absence of these press briefings told us something that is not good. But perhaps today, we find out why.

The Washington Post is now running a story saying Secret Service security requests were repeatedly denied by top government officials.

Nothing to see here... move along... Biden and the alphabet agencies would never do anything like this and then cover it up.
Sarcasm intended... since we know the truth will remain buried as long as it can possibly be.


Officials Admit the Biden Administration Denied Security Requests by Agents Assigned to Protect Donald Trump

July 20, 2024 | Sundance | 514 Comments

The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned. Why have there been no daily press briefings?​

♦ Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?

♦ Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?

♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?

View attachment 1685809

The absence of official press briefings has been the dog that didn’t bark.

Instead, the Secret Service, FBI and Law Enforcement have been selectively leaking details, testing what would be and would not be accepted, and we have only seen controlled snippets of information.

Much of the information within those leaks has been lies, sometimes absurd in their construct, pushed through a generally incurious media.

Smart people have noted the absence of the official public information process indicates something very sketchy in the background. [ie. the dog that didn’t bark]

The attempted assassination of President Trump is a big deal; perhaps one of the biggest events in recent history. There is massive public interest.

If ordinary procedures and protocols were being followed, we would have official daily updates at scheduled press conferences, and the media would be able to present questions based on presented information. The absence of these press briefings told us something that is not good. But perhaps today, we find out why.

The Washington Post is now running a story saying Secret Service security requests were repeatedly denied by top government officials.

I don't think they are leaking anything, I think it's a lot of people on the internet saying they are leaking this and leaking that....disinformation and conjecture is the enemy of the people.....

Like I've said before if this was any other investigation, they wouldn't be leaking anything until they have concrete evidence to speak on.....and then there's the threat of further attempts by some other crazy person.....

People need to let these investigators do their jobs and get their emotions out of it.

There haven't been daily press updates on anything in quite a while.

The enemies of America and conspiracy people are having a hey-day with all of this as it is a perfect time to create division and mistrust.......they are all smiling and loving posts like yours...I'm sure they are reading many similar posts in other forums/social media and patting themselves all on the back....

.....and Trump's gang are loving it because this attempt has raised him to martyrdom......his followers are more devout than ever before......people are crying over him at his rallies like he's some sort of messiah and he's eating it up like a bowl of ice cream and loving every second of it..
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.........that being said the director of the secret service needs to be fired immediately and the secret service needs to undergo a complete rehaul to get back to where they need to be.

The next course of action in the investigation would be to identify the motivation behind the shooter's intent to ensure there aren't any more lone wolf bad actors out there intent on domestic terrorist attacks....of if this shooter was indoctrinated into some sort of domestic terror ideology.
Nothing to see here... move along... Biden and the alphabet agencies would never do anything like this and then cover it up.
Sarcasm intended... since we know the truth will remain buried as long as it can possibly be.


Officials Admit the Biden Administration Denied Security Requests by Agents Assigned to Protect Donald Trump

July 20, 2024 | Sundance | 514 Comments

The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned. Why have there been no daily press briefings?​

♦ Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?

♦ Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?

♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?

View attachment 1685809

The absence of official press briefings has been the dog that didn’t bark.

Instead, the Secret Service, FBI and Law Enforcement have been selectively leaking details, testing what would be and would not be accepted, and we have only seen controlled snippets of information.

Much of the information within those leaks has been lies, sometimes absurd in their construct, pushed through a generally incurious media.

Smart people have noted the absence of the official public information process indicates something very sketchy in the background. [ie. the dog that didn’t bark]

The attempted assassination of President Trump is a big deal; perhaps one of the biggest events in recent history. There is massive public interest.

If ordinary procedures and protocols were being followed, we would have official daily updates at scheduled press conferences, and the media would be able to present questions based on presented information. The absence of these press briefings told us something that is not good. But perhaps today, we find out why.

The Washington Post is now running a story saying Secret Service security requests were repeatedly denied by top government officials.

Hi. Zerks. Come on man we all know why. It is an on going investigation. Also it is Bidens FBI, secret Service and DOJ.
♦ Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?
I’ve read something new about the case every day. Plenty of sources.
Besides, Zerks, you admonish me all the time about reading liberal news accounts, which I don t do, and then you post a link from Sort of a ‘do as I say not as I do’, don’t you think?
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I’ve read something new about the case every day. Plenty of sources.
Besides, Zerks, you admonish me all the time about reading liberal news accounts, which I don t do, and then you post a link from Sort of a ‘do as I say not as I do’, don’t you think?
Yeah... I guess you never noticed the Deep State influence in the MSM before.

I am fairly certain we will never know all the facts just as it is with JFK, RFK and MLK.

Like FDR said decades ago... If anything big happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way.

Do I think? Well, when you can't be absolutely sure what the freshest version of the so called truth is, then, you look at how things played out in history. Why do we look there? Because over time the truth does manage to find a way into the public discourse. However, it is usually tainted with deceptive lies mixed with tidbits of truth mixed in.

As it has been said before... those that control the future control the past... meaning... historical events get edited to suit the narrative that the powers that be want distilled down into the publics consciousness.

According to one billionaire source here is why Trump lost in 2020. His withdrawal of US troops from Syria in 2018 sealed the deal. The MIC is running this country and World just like Eisenhower warned us in 1961. The MIC didn't like their business getting downsized by Trump.

Add to that... in other news... Zuckerberg doesn't really own Facebook... the US gov does. Zuck is just a front man. I wondered why Zuck would spend over 400 million as it was reported to manage logistics in the key states in the 2019 election.... why would he care?

Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. The MSM is owned by 6 major corporations andthe two party political system is really one big uni party.
You don't have to open your eyes very wide to see those aspects of recent history as possibilities. Control of the masses has always been a board game for the ruling elites throughout history.

I am simply a messenger... some people will agree and some people won't. So what?
Trump has a hypersensitivity to accountability that often makes acknowledging the truth impossible for him.

When was the last time Trump took responsibility for anything that reflected poorly on him or his one term as president or his campaign?

He has a loyal base of supporters like you eager to believe anything he says while lashing out at fact-checkers for the (temerity) of telling the truth. Imagine the sense of power an egocentric politician experiences from that kind of obedience. You and others give him a pass on accountability. Why?

Trump understands the impact of flooding the field with falsehoods, a deluge of lies. so inescapable that his voters will accept as fact what they don't know to be a lie. Just like you.
And poof, Biden is no longer in the run.

I’m not even a little peanut in this world of people management, but have to say the incompetence of the Democratic Party goes way beyond my comprehension based on organizational management and ability.