Trump assassination attempt

You have to start with the resources you have now.

So based on the current scenario, you want another four years with Biden? And if his health deteriorates in a year or two with Kamala running the country ?
That was a question to the old guy. Interesting, those are the questions they choose to never answer. All they do is whine.
You have to start with the resources you have now.

So based on the current scenario, you want another four years with Biden? And if his health deteriorates in a year or two with Kamala running the country ?
I would much prefer that to another four years of trump and his felons. The lies. It's all about the lies. The pathological liar is the bigliest liar that I have ever seen. Nobody can hold a candle to him when it comes to lying. People are saying that he is a tremendous liar. Maybe the biggest liar in the history of mankind.

I deal in reality and don't like to be told what I want to hear unless it is true. You cult people can keep your lies.
Sheesh, don’t hold back!
That’s a lot of hate right there…
Soooo… I take it you’re not a fan of Trump?
The truth hurts. I don't hold back when it comes to telling the truth and I've never had a problem with telling people what they don't want to hear, as long as it is something that they need to hear.
Hi. Yes that is what I said in a around Robin Hood's barn sort of way. And then the Democrats could ( to go out on a thin tree branh ) give you up till the 42 tri mester. Or 12 yrs. old kind of like try them out for a few years to see if they are growing up WOKE it fit in with the Great Reset that they want.
42 trimesters? Please tell us more about what kind of species it is that gestates for 42 trimesters? As to "trying out 12 year olds", maybe trump could shed some light on that subject. He was a frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein and has said that he likes them young.
The truth hurts. I don't hold back when it comes to telling the truth and I've never had a problem with telling people what they don't want to hear, as long as it is something that they need to hear.
You mean the truth like Biden inherited a tanking stock market? Or the truth that Trump has been given immunity to do whatever he wants? That kind of truth you spew?
I would much prefer that to another four years of trump and his felons. The lies. It's all about the lies. The pathological liar is the bigliest liar that I have ever seen. Nobody can hold a candle to him when it comes to lying. People are saying that he is a tremendous liar. Maybe the biggest liar in the history of mankind.

I deal in reality and don't like to be told what I want to hear unless it is true. You cult people can keep your lies.
Are you pleased and satisfied with the current state of the nation and the world? Do you think we are in a better place than we were in 2020?
When he was done? If you believe it was consensual shouldn’t it be when they were done?
Details are a beotch
You're right. Sorry.
As with most men he finished and she didn't.
Soooo when he was done.....:)

It was consensual. She admitting following him willingly, to someplace more private. Hmmmmm? What oh what are we gonna do?
Cmon man!

He was pretty NYCity popular back then. Long before politics or tv he was all over NYC. It was her moment to be with one of the most photographed and talked about men of the day. Anyway. We already talked about it. Different thread and still different opinions.
She admitted it
Went with him willingly
He didn't drag her by the hair back to his cave
From what I've been told by people in high positions, they get women throwing themselves at them all the time, some just for the reputation that they bagged the boss or a person in a high position, others so they can get leverage to use at a later time.

A general once told me it was part of their pre-general promotion briefing (for males and females) as it is a real issue.

Some heeded their training, others succumbed to temptation and lost their career as a result.....sometimes many years later when it was convenient for the "wolves" to come out of the's a pretty hard thing to dis-prove if there were only two of you as the female is always believed.

Once I got to a certain rank, I distanced myself from these sorts of threats and if at any time when I was to have a female in my office for whatever reason, I always brought in a buffer person...I made sure I was never alone with a female at work.

I saw this at work with a peer who was close to his female subordinate and the minute he pissed her off....she cried sexual harassment.......we all saw this coming and warned him a couple times but his attitude was that she was not like that........she was and his career took a real nose-dive even after her allegations were proven false, once that sort of thing gets attached to your name, it stays with you....
Back to this idiot, someone please explain this to me, and you know I mean one of you experienced military guys here.
When I first saw this, my immediate thought was not the fact that she couldn't holster her gun(ridiculous as that is), and even after repeated tries, even looking at the holster...but WHY is she trying to holster her gun?!
Trump is already encircled by the Secret Service, and they are behind the podeum, which is behind her.
So even if SS radios in her ear saying 'shooter down'...why would you assume all clear, that there is not multiple threats.
Ok, they got him, I can put my gun away way, no how, I just cannot comprehend that.
Common sense tells me the handgun stays drawn, pointed safely down, but ready to engage another threat.
She also looks like she's never held a gun before.
Somerthing about the whole thing stinks.

Back to this idiot, someone please explain this to me, and you know I mean one of you experienced military guys here.
When I first saw this, my immediate thought was not the fact that she couldn't holster her gun(ridiculous as that is), and even after repeated tries, even looking at the holster...but WHY is she trying to holster her gun?!
Trump is already encircled by the Secret Service, and they are behind the podeum, which is behind her.
So even if SS radios in her ear saying 'shooter down'...why would you assume all clear, that there is not multiple threats.
Ok, they got him, I can put my gun away way, no how, I just cannot comprehend that.
Common sense tells me the handgun stays drawn, pointed safely down, but ready to engage another threat.
She also looks like she's never held a gun before.
Somerthing about the whole thing stinks.

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Probably some desk jockey on her first assignment...and scared out of her wits......

Because of Trump's popularity with his followers, they probably thought the threat level was low so maybe assigned these sorts of people to get them some experience in this kind of detail....

Of course I'm just speculating...
One of the biggest issues I see coming out of this are all the "wanna be" investigators who are delving into some sort of corporate insider knowledge about the attempted assassination.

All kinds of experts and video analysists are out there looking at each and every little thing trying to do their own investigation....

Where this goes when they are wrong is to stir up the hornets nest and making everyone angry and upset.

It's better to let the professionals do their job.
She admitted it
Went with him willingly
He didn't drag her by the hair back to his cave
Again, it’s what you want to believe. You claim weakness, dishonesty in her character, I do the same with Trump. In that regard, history leans in my favor. Her testimony was that once nobody could see, he attacked her. Maybe that’s what I chose to believe.
Back to this idiot, someone please explain this to me, and you know I mean one of you experienced military guys here.
When I first saw this, my immediate thought was not the fact that she couldn't holster her gun(ridiculous as that is), and even after repeated tries, even looking at the holster...but WHY is she trying to holster her gun?!
Trump is already encircled by the Secret Service, and they are behind the podeum, which is behind her.
So even if SS radios in her ear saying 'shooter down'...why would you assume all clear, that there is not multiple threats.
Ok, they got him, I can put my gun away way, no how, I just cannot comprehend that.
Common sense tells me the handgun stays drawn, pointed safely down, but ready to engage another threat.
She also looks like she's never held a gun before.
Somerthing about the whole thing stinks.

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This is the DEI policies at work! Good luck America.
Again, it’s what you want to believe. You claim weakness, dishonesty in her character, I do the same with Trump. In that regard, history leans in my favor. Her testimony was that once nobody could see, he attacked her. Maybe that’s what I chose to believe.
The three short sentences I wrote are FACTS as said by HER
What on earth about them are you doubting? You can assume whatever you want after that but the fact is what I said is factual per her own testimony. Good grief
Back to this idiot, someone please explain this to me, and you know I mean one of you experienced military guys here.
When I first saw this, my immediate thought was not the fact that she couldn't holster her gun(ridiculous as that is), and even after repeated tries, even looking at the holster...but WHY is she trying to holster her gun?!
Trump is already encircled by the Secret Service, and they are behind the podeum, which is behind her.
So even if SS radios in her ear saying 'shooter down'...why would you assume all clear, that there is not multiple threats.
Ok, they got him, I can put my gun away way, no how, I just cannot comprehend that.
Common sense tells me the handgun stays drawn, pointed safely down, but ready to engage another threat.
She also looks like she's never held a gun before.
Somerthing about the whole thing stinks.

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its called DEI , no longer do we have the best folk for the job

now we have to have diversity for diversity sake :(


Election 2020 Lol GIF by Joe Biden
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The three short sentences I wrote are FACTS as said by HER
What on earth about them are you doubting? You can assume whatever you want after that but the fact is what I said is factual per her own testimony. Good grief
Settle down Francis. I know she agreed to go in the dressing room. Is that in itself agreeing to sex? To you it is because that’s what you want to believe. I believe they were being silly and suddenly he wasn’t. There is no proof of what happened but you somehow are positive. Surely your idol, a lying, womanizing convicted criminal wouldn’t do anything wrong.
Good grief is right.
I don’t like Trump either as a person, however it is clear as daylight that the Republican Party at this time is miles ahead of Democratic incompetence.

What I don’t understand is the inability of people to see the deterioration of our country over the past four years. How someone can’t see the difference between 2020 and now? How someone can be pleased with where we are today?

I just came back from overseas on this Sunday and it was embarrassing to answer questions about how a dementia old man can be allowed to run this country. I have friends over there who always respected America, now they have no interest in even visiting. They are laughing at our country.

What I fail to understand is how you would rather throw your country under the bus over 300 million people, than vote for one individual you dislike?
Embarrassed, try the leaders of Russia, China, N.Korea. Most of the countries in Europe have their problems. To many countries want our help, and then bite the hand that feeds them. I don’t just dislike Trump , I think he is one of the most dishonest, self serving, dictatorial SOB’s that ever ran for office. I think it is a sad state of affairs who we have for choices . You can’t figure out how I would vote for Biden, and I can’t believe you would for Trump with all he has said and done. That is why we have elections, most votes win (not counting the electoral college). I won’t whine if you don’t!